Originally Posted by jljone0
It was actually two:
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\SoftkeyBar:SoftkeyBa rThemeImage
went from \windows\black_softkeybar.png to \windows\softkeybar.png
HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Taskbar:TaskBarTheme Image
went from \windows\black_taskbar.png to \windows\taskbar.png
Basically, just telling windows to load the GlssBlack theme's images for those two elements instead of the ones referenced by BlueDrop. As it turns out, I actually prefer to leave the softkeybar as the standard flat black and only gloss up the taskbar, so it all worked out. I can deal with one registry edit every time I flash. One of these days I may try to figure out how to incorporate that registry change into the theme itself...
Making the change in the theme is simply a matter of changing the file extension from .tsk to .cab, and opening it with WinCe Cabmanager. You can edit the registry settings there, save it, and reload that .tsk file.