Originally Posted by SyXbiT
I bricked my phone (HTC Titan) a year ago by flashing from linux.
luckily I could get back to the bootloader and flash from SD card.
Perhaps I have a different definition of brick but for me being able to easily access the bootloader and start a flash program != brick ^^ Were you able to for gsm software on your cdma phone or anything from nix?
Originally Posted by ibmxx187
like wine? do you have any suggestions of programs to use?
I'm running gentoo here and with the new self compressed exe you can either open them with ark, toss the nbh on your sd card and rename "DIAMIMG.nbh" etc etc or you can wine the exe to extract it and navigate to your wine/c_drive/windows/temp/ folder and extract the nbh from the direct and toss it on the sd card in your phone and rename it DIAMIMG.nbh etc etc ... I think linux and windows use different api's and the ruu flash program that we're all using is a windows only app. I mean it runs in wine but when it goes to look for usbcore.sys and you're using usbcore.o .... I haven't tried that flasher xda either... if you're having trouble installing it try googling tar.gz(will show you how to extract the actual files) and "howto install apps in linux" for instructions on installing any linux apps (usually just extract, ./configure, make, make install)
Edit: I was amazed with how many results I got for this topic by going to google and typing "flash linux ppcgeeks" "flash linux xda", most of them relevant to OP.... most ended up at this page if you followed links in threads
Edit2: was just thinking about installing software in *nix .... imo best idea once you've extracted your files and before you start setting up is to look in the folder where your files were placed for a file called README and another called INSTALL and take a quick glance at those files.