Originally Posted by oberkorn
Not sure if this is an issue with WM 6.5 or JonRom itself. With other ROM releases based on WM 6.1, I would type a text message and the total numbers of characters would be displayed somewhere on the screen. If I type more than 160 characters, two messages would automatically be created and sent. With JonRom, there's nothing to show how many characters I've inputted which means I don't know if I've reached the 160 limit. And if I go past the 160 limit, it just cuts off everything past 160 when I click on send. Also, there's no auto-return in the input box which makes it difficult to see what I've typed out without scrolling back. Any clues as to what's happening?
Which text input screen are you using, the threaded view, the standard windows input box, or the manila sms box? Both the threaded and standard input box show the character count and send 2 messages if over the count, but the manila box does not show the count and may not send 2 messages (I haven't tried it). JonRom 1.7 uses the threaded input as default from the sms tab in TF3d.