patmannyc: Sorry... I have no idea on why this happens to you. What other Today plugins do you have?
mindfrots82: After you use the lookup field, have tried pressing up on the D-pad? If you look something up and erase it will still stay visible because it's active, just move to another plugin with the D-pad and it should disappear.
codyppc: I don't think this is related to the pluging but how WM5 works. I've had this happen to me before the plugin was released. It seems that if there's no 'wiggle' room and the Today screen goes over the size and displays the scroll bar, it kinda gets stuck there because of this 'wiggle' room.
I have 3 plugins that have option to set height and have managed so that the screen looks full but there's like 1 pixel left at the bottom so this doesn't happen. Try this: if you disable a Today plugin and repeat the steps that get you that scrollbar, you should not get it because there's plenty space left for WM5 to 'wiggle'.
I know this doesn't help much, but maybe modifying your WP theme could get you to resolve this issue.