Originally Posted by edufur
sorry i didnt see the info on 232. I get very little time to read the forums as it is...
as far as t9 goes... that isnt the problem. in fact, whenever I cook a rom, i always remove SIP options. T9 is not even installed. the settings for the KB are also such that autosuggest and autocorrect are turned off. not sure what the problem could be at this point. should i try cooking a new batch? or will i regret it considering there is something new coming soon.
Check your reg:
[HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Layouts\(the default value)]
Where is it pointing to? If it isn't pointing to msim*.dll with digits in it? If it is switch it to msim*.dll without digits in your windows directory.
I explained in detail at this post.