Originally Posted by Frank Dukes
wait.. so this will stop those annoying active sync screens from coming up when i plug in my phone to use it for the internet connection?? where o where can i find this!
What this does is when you plug in your phone with a usb cable,
it will pop up a screen(if you install the usb to pc pop up),
and it will give you three options,
One, Activesync, (Obviously this establishes a activesync connection)
Two, Disk Drive, (View items on storage card as a flash drive)
Three, Internet sharing. (Use phone as internet modem)
Attached are the cabs.
USB to PC is the program that allows you to do this,
and the USB2PC popup is obviously the installer for the
popup screen when you plug in the usb cable.
*Credit goes to the original developer,
not sure who that would be
as I believe this program was the controversy starter for nfsfan.