I just love my new 6.5 TriPod/Quad Mode TF3D/2D/Spb/WPanel/Cam/WorldDataSystem/Xweather and more, now my TP'S are full functional worldwide data centers on the home screen right in the palms of my hands with global TV... I don't believe I will be going back the other way any time soon... Some people are afraid of change, I love innovations and innovative positive minded people... I have none of the problems that are mention here in this thread, like menu order, come on dudes... Well Microsoft just released the RTM 6.5 software, so you might as well get use to it now.. ALL my global/intergalactic video TV networks are now working like a charm, all systems are on go, since I installed merdin's new 6.5 super ROM, no more problems at ALL....{lol}
Yet To Be Technology....!