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Old 05-18-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: 5-17-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-7 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by elmariachi View Post
I've been using a CAB that disables the world clock, when you press the clock you instead sends you to the call history list. It also still has a tab for the alarm settings. With that cab installed I've never had an issue with any of my sync'ed appointments or anything else clock related. If anyone is interested I will post it but I'm almost positive I grabbed it off this thread somewere.
Nice work around! SSMaHO which is included in the ROM allows changing of TouchFlo links. I haven't used it, but I imagine you could use it instead of the cab. I may have to look into this later (cause really I should be wasting time trying to fix a problem I don't have.)

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