Originally Posted by MassStash
errr, am i blind? i don't seez a titan one in ther......
DOH!!! sorry bout that, I'm an ***, here is the titan xip, not sure how it got left out. this one has nuekernel, the invisible one did not have much of anything in it
Originally Posted by MassStash
yea, so neone verify if i'm stupid or what?? there's 2 rahpaels n ones 6.5. should all of them 6.5, is one of these for titan? if so, that make nooo sense
the two raphs are because one has the stock nk.exe, and one has da_g's nk.exe. da_g's is apparently a true 6.5 kernel, though I am not sure where he got it. it has an extra slot or two for module space, so no need to recmod a bunch of stuff when using it I guess.