I've gone a totally different way now.
I used OMJ's kitchen and his basic setup, but took a few things out and changed it a little.
OMJ- so glad he's back.
All the highlights are blue instead of grey or green.
I took out Bing and everything I could install onto the Internal Storage to save space. Btw, if you use SASHIMI with this SASHIMI compliant ROM

, I'd recommend you overwrite your current
sashimi.mscr file with the one attached here. It will allow you to install cabs to internal storage; WM6.5.x breaks this function, but this hack fixes it. If you want to do it yourself, follow
these directions.
I wouldn't call it "stripped" but there's not nearly as much as my old Titanium ROM.
But so far, everything works well.
Click on the image below for the link.

The old taskbar I used is attached below. The current one is a mix using the kitchen.
The other icon on the topbar is
SBSH PhoneWeaver. Check it out. The most stable, feature rich and resource efficient phone manager out there, imho.
Here's the link to v4.8.5. This is the
newest 21904 build. Running this for a day and it's running great. I've been using this with SpbMS3.5.4- gorgeous. It's now SASHIMI compliant [SC]. Took out Sprint Nav and Opera, as I like installing them to Internal Storage w/SASHIMI. [CAMERA & CALCULATOR STILL NOT WORKING.]

If you've never used SASHIMI before, it's awesome. All you have to do is install it to Internal Storage before you flash. Then drop the appropriate things into the folders and flash. Here is
the link to get it (you'll have to register, but it's free and well worth it), along with some directions. Post in this thread or that one if you have any questions.
Includes psShutXP mapped to Power button. Probably a few other things.
[If anyone is wondering, PRTNS= Power Rom Titianium No Sense]
Even though these new ROMs based on Calk's kitchen don't REQUIRE you to flash to shipped or do a Clear Storage after you flash, I still recommend the Clear Storage part. I was having some issues last week and Clear Storage not only fixed them, but helped speed up the OS dramatically.Thanks to
amikam and
shadowxaero for their help... really appreciated.

Took out OneNote. Added VoiceCommand & WM7 Titanium project. Working great with MS3.5.3. Changed a bunch of the colors so it's mostly blue/black. Took out the extra Titanium stuff like the contacts app. Changed to the M6 taskbar from TSOwens v6.1. Still using the Misfortune2 Battery icon.
Very quick... so far,
I finally got my EVO- and my Diamond was dying anyway. So this is done.