Originally Posted by chocmatic
i would say start here
General - Registry Hacks, Tweaks and .cabs
If you're looking for apps that allow you to spice up your today screen, you can check out the following:
Ultimate Launcher
SPB Mobile Shell3
Wisbar Advanced Desktop
Can't think of any other ones right now. Hopefully that helps to get you started
If you download MobileShell3, make sure you go into the support section at SPB's website and download 3.0.1 BETA3. It came out a few days ago, otherwise you'll have issues with the standard release.
Ultimate Launch works well on the Treo Pro.
PointUI does not. On our 320X320 QVGA screens, the images are shifted to the left. At this time, there is no fix and it is a known issue.
I haven't tried Wisbar yet, but hear it works well.