Originally Posted by tinman0305
ok thank you again and your reply was actually fast. I am not sure i am communicating very well or maybe it is just that i am new to this so let me try and capture where i am in need of assistance.
1. I have installed the application and it seems to open and work fine. I am a sprint user and other sprint phones can receive messages from me but not Verizon users since I have installed this application. So i am wondering if i change the settings as you indicate if i am still going to be able to send messages to sprint users
2. I seem to have installed it duplicate times because I have 2 "messaging" applications listed in my programs list both in the available programs to add to my start menu and also in the list of programs that comes up when i hit "start/programs".
Thank you very much in advance for your assistance.
PS While I have your attention, can you tell me of an application that is similar to Butler? I just switched to the 700wx from the 650 and Butler was a very nice app which i miss a lot of the functionality of including LED controls.
1. OHHH yea changing the server settings will not help any. This is a known issue check the sticky in the treo forums.
2. You should have a Inbox and Messaging on the start menu but if u do have 2 of either one they can be removed in the windows/start menu (for the start menu) or windows/start menu/programs for the programs menu.
No clue about the butler ? never owned a Palm device and I dont own a Treo so Im not sure....try posting a new topic in the 700w/wx forum