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Old 05-16-2009, 07:40 PM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.08.09] [[MightyROM5]] Windows® Phone

Originally Posted by motocrossyz85 View Post
Hey is it just me or is mighty rom v5 slower?? I swear it lags more then v4 and also I get all these wired issues like when in recent calls and use the actual buttons to move up or down the list it seems to all mesh together so I cant see whats above me or below me... its really weird! any suggestions or comments would be awesome! thanks!
Im not sure about "THIS" rom being slow, i find all roms even the stock ROM from Bell is slow. This phone (with the fast 500+ Mhz processor) is kinda slow in general! I am used to my OC'ed quad core processor, water cooled of course.

As for the Dialer issue, im seeing the same thing. But what can you do?

Originally Posted by temperbad View Post
the jumbled words is a Clash between the Dialer and 6.5. As far as being slow or lagging, I experience the opposite. This rom is great for me, The jumbled letters is my only tiny problem, everything else on my end runs great.
Same here everything is just fine, i guess. If there a hot Fix for this dialer issue please do tell.

As for you experienceing the oposte, why is that. What is your phone provider or what roms where you running before that where slow?