Originally Posted by The420Dank
I've been having major battery porblems. I've been reading and seeing that many of us are having battery drain problem, some arn't. I installed Cody's battery and performance hack to try and increase battery life but no luck with that... I actualy un-installed it because it seemed my battery was draining quicker.
If I leave my batter at 100% and go to bed, in the morning I'll have 2 bars left and just 30 mins of use will go to 1 bar and tell my batt is low then quickly shut down after that. On the stock ROM it would take forever to drain the power all the way where the notification comes up a good few times to tell you your battery is dead.
I don't mean to go on and on, just putting down all the thoughts I've collected over this. I really love this ROM and wanna keep using it but the battery is really setting me back cause I bring a charger with me everywhere I go.
Lemme know if anyone has any ideas... Thanks
Great ROM by the way.
Ive had NO problems with battery drain on this rom.... but i attribute that to two things. I have slide to lock set to cut my phone off on backlight dim and when it wakes up also. I also have nueDynamic clock installed to clock my processor down when backlight is off or when the system is sleep... clocks it down from 528mhz to 19mhz, it makes a huge difference.