Originally Posted by captblaze
if you scroll down the list... big mess
if you scroll back up... no mess
Originally Posted by Young_breedent
So then it doesn't work then lol. We already have a working version of s2a if you consider that "working". People are looking for the s2a that does not have a big mess when you scroll down. That's what we consider working.
Huh I didnt even know this was an issue. I never even use contacts tab in the phone. I just use smart dialing.
For ****s and giggles I figured I try my dialer and what do you know it works fine.
Im not even sure where I got it. Maybe an older Calkulin kitchen.
Anyway here it is.
If anybody has problems. I can get more into detail with what I have built into my roms. But it works fine on my rom from JD's 5/5 kitchen.