Originally Posted by storyr
The widget refresh script is independent of WP updates, although it does assume you're running the hourly data fix.
Here's how the widget refresh script works (regardless of the schedule): - Look up the default city in the WP settings
- Access the current data file for that city (in WeatherPanel\data)
- If the data is current, use that
- If the data is > 1 hour old, access the hourly forecast data for that city
- Traipse through the hourly data until the current hour is found - use that data
One thing I've noticed in my testing: WeatherPanel has the same feature: It will use hourly forecast data after the current data expires. I've noticed that, for whatever reason, WeatherPanel gets too far ahead in the file - maybe by a couple of hours. Whereas, the widget refresh script is accurate. This can lead to a discrepancy in what WP shows and what the widget shows - as the current data gets older throughout the day...
Early on in this project I thought I read that the auto update should be turned off in WP. Am I correct? Or can I have WP set to update every hour and your script every 5 or 15 minutes, for instance. I want to avoid WP updating via the internet because IF I'm connected to the internet, I'm usually on a dial up connection, which is very slow; WP disrupts other internet downloads.
Thanks again.