Originally Posted by x10guy
Good for you..... but in reality, given the choice of having an App store and having no App store, I'd pick having an App store any day.
Regardless if the commercials are annoying and the users are annoying, I'm probably the only one on this board but I still think the App store is cool.
You think the app store is cool!? Are you a complete retard or what?
I'm kidding. I think the app store is cool too. It's a common sense idea that should have been implemented by other companies for their mobile devices LONG ago. I love the idea that there is a central location where not only everyone can easily find apps, but developers can easily find users. The only gripe I have with it is how apps get rejected. That's turning out to be an issue that Apple has to deal with right away. For instance, they accept an app at first, then when a minor update comes a long they reject it, leaving the original app in the app store slightly buggy. Once they get a concrete method of accepting and rejecting apps, the app store will be better.