Originally Posted by Silent Assasin
I love sites like this that step in where the so called "experts" leave the consumers hanging. Anyway, I have a few questions before I take this plunge. I am a newbie, but I am learning. Anyway, I recently received my replacement PPC 6700, which was a refurb. Mine was locking up at startup. Anyway, since it is a refurbed phone, do I have to determine if the phone is locked? If so, how do I get it unlocked if it is required for this upgrade? From what I gather, after reading every post from beginning to the 1000 + posts, this is what I gathered and hopefully some one will correct me if I am wrong. (1) I have gone to the sprint site and downloaded the last updated rom just as a precaution in case I would have to take the phone back to Sprint, I can run this rom and it will restore the phone back to it's original factory state. This is correct, right? [Just for info-UTStarcom is no longer hosting the downloads for the PPC 6700, So I figured I would save a copy now in case Sprint takes their support down] (2) To begin, I hold down the power button (On the top left corner of the phone) the record button (Cassette image on the left side of handset) and use stylus to push button for hard reset-correct. This will put me in the boot mode? (3) Now do I plug the phone directly into the computer, via a usb plug, or can I use the cradle I use to auto sync? If I can use the cradle I am under the impression that I WILL NOT Sync the phone during this process-It is just as a way to have computer recognize the phone. (4) Now locate the Apache WM6 exe that I extract from the rom on the computer and run the rom-That is it? (5) After the phone loads, do an immediate hard reset and (6) after the customizing 3 second screen do a soft reset so the Sprint adware won't install-Is this correct? (7) If I do not allow the Sprint adware to install, do I still need to go into the registry and remove the folders for the adaware? (  Also, does this upgrade affect the radio? I see that 1.41 is just released on this site-should I upgrade or is it included in this rom? (9) Lastly, after I Hopefully install w/Out any problems, do i use active sync to get my saved items, such as favorites, on the phone? I know I will have to hunt down the sites where found my other programs. (10) Are there any popular programs that ARE Not working with mobile 6. I mainly have Total Commander, Regedit, tcmp player-which by the way, that new budle works great with. Thanks for any help offered in advance.
Mostly correct.
reset = soft reset
power+cassette+reset = bootloader.
left softkey + right softwkey + reset = clearmem question (press Y = hard reset)
1) correct.
2) right action, wrong terminology.
3): yes, you can use either a usb cable directly, or the cradle. Be sure to remove the phone from usb/cradle before Windows splash screen appears or it will hang. If it does hang, disconnect usb/cradle from phone and do a soft reset. As to syncing, please sync your phone BEFORE you begin this process as your phone will be completely erased during the ROM load (ok, not completely - extended rom and SD cards are untouched).
4) correct, that's it.
5): you'll have plenty of time to do the hard reset as the phone will remain in bootloader mode until either a soft or hard reset is performed. Be sure to do a hard reset.
your step 6) is wrong - push the reset button BEFORE the customizing countdown finishes, not after. Preferably, delete the contents of your extended rom before running the upgrade (use extended rom unlocker and delete, or install blank extended rom image)
7), if you don't allow the customizations to run, you won't have any of the crapware software loaded - nothing to delete.
8 ) no. The radio firmware is not changed by this ROM. The general concensus of the experts is you should NOT upgrade to 1.41 unless you have a specific need.
9)use activesync as before. Be sure you backed up your PIM information (and stored it somewhere other than on your phone) before you started the upgrade as the upgrade will erase everything on your phone.
10) There are some, but the ones you mentioned should all work. A list of incompatible programs is NOT available.