Hello! Got my Sprint TP approx 6 wks ago... It's everything I've ever wanted my phone to be! I adore it. Bought it NIB had it flashed to MetroPCS, and paid a very nice man to get internet, mms and gps, etc. to work. I'm running Juicy 5 and it's okay, but the MMS issues and the inability to set any ringtone to work consistently is getting on my last nerve. The man that programmed the phone has cooked his own rom and offered to reflash for me, but he lives really faraway, so I'm gonna do it myself. I decided to try a Mighty Mike rom, found this one, read the entire thread and followed most of the links but I have questions... if this is the wrong place to post, please let me know, nicely. I'm sensitive that way. And I apologize in advance.
1. BACK-UP - I'm using SPB Backup - will that back up everything? There are a few programs that I'd like to retain, but I'm not sure how to keep them (I think some were cooked into the ROM - did I say that right?
). I have Tom-Tom Navigator and Google Maps and would like to keep them, too. And my Music ID... (I can reinstall the programs I've d/l'd myself - I'm just unsure about the others... Pocket Rar and PHMRegedit are a couple I'd like to keep, as well.) And if I do a full restore is that going to affect the new ROM in some negative way?
2. INTERNET SETTINGS - Will this MetroPCS carrier cab -
http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=501754 - work with this ROM? It's okay if it doesn't, I've pretty much got the settings memorized. I've read them like a thousand times.
3. MMS - I'm currently using Arcsoft and it bites. Is it the build or the ROM? I noticed links for MMS progs on the first page... I know which version I'll use if I need to add it manually (or do I have to use one of the ones listed for it to be compatible with my carrier, because, if so, I don't know which one to use), but does that mean I have to download and install separately? And will I have to uninstall the old version or is that done when I flash?
4. GPS - Having read the thread, I have no reason to believe that it won't work "out of the box" and that QuickGPS is included... Am I correct?
5. THEMES AND TWEAKS - I intend to install the "hello kitty pink full", the transparent clock, and to make my custom wallpaper appear in all backgrounds, and a couple of other things; however, I'm unsure as to when. Should I use the ROM for a period of time (and, if so, how long) before tweaking it... I really don't have the inclination to spend my time constantly reprogramming my phone, it's my favorite toy and I love actually using it.
6. REFLASHING - For the record, if the ringtone issue wasn't there, I'd live with the crappy MMS. But my life has a soundtrack and my phone should reflect that.
Actually, my daughter was beaten and carjacked last Saturday night and I missed four calls from her because my phone didn't ring and that disturbs me. I've read the Juicy threads and the ringtone issue, at last read and I'm tired of reading now, still exists. So, will I have to keep reflashing? Can't I just find a ROM and stick with it (other than upgrading to 6.5 when the bugs are worked out and did I just answer my own question...
So, with the words "Here I come to save the day" echoing in my head, I've turned to Mighty Mike's ROM for a solution.
Thanks in advance for your kindness, patience and assistance.
Please note: I have read a bizillion threads referencing most of these subjects, but these are the specific questions with which I remain. xoxo