Touchscreen accuracy wayyyy off.
I've only had my Omnia i910 for about 2 weeks now, I like it a lot. Just recently the accuracy just kinda petered out. If I press a button it doesn't register unless I press a bit off location.
First thing I did was calibrate it...MANY times. The hokey part is the screen coords it registers look only a few pixels off the screen calibration tweak going around.
What it's doing is funky. I installed a screen drawing app just to see how far off it's registering my finger/stylus movements. As I approach the center of the screen it becomes more accurate...but as soon as I move away from the center the point registered leads the actual contact point of my finger/stylus. In all directions. So badly that on the SIP if I poke T on the keyboard it presses G instead. Very annoying.
Is this something common? Or do I have a bad digitizer? I've had tons of PPC's and touch screen devices...this is a first to go sour on me =/