Re: Palm Pre: How many are considering a switch?
I will make the switch to the palm pre. I read every review and watch every video on it. I just like what I ve read and saw. I am a big windows mobile htc guru for the same reason we all are {modding and tweaking etc.}. I went from a htc tilt,diamond to palm pro just cause htc was involved in the production. I say all this to say Im not unpleased with htc wm. But I sense a change coming and I embrace it.
My brother is a apple iphone guru he has disowned windows, we go round for round for that same reason. I will taunt him day for day if the palm pre achieve new levels past the iphone. I know sounds childish but hey...!o!
PPC: T-Mobile's G2x // LG-P999 [unlocked & rooted] + CyanogenMod 7.2
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