Originally Posted by psyki
If I knew exactly what he changed I could possibly do it...
I thought the change was that he switched over to a newer TouchFlo Build/port and was still using the Rhodium Manilla over it. (I forget where it was extracted from).
For me, Speed and (much more) stability with Juicy's current setup win out over being able to use the people tab4dialing. I always used the Phone+Smartdialing. Even when it first got added to the Titan dialers in ppckitchen. You know... back in the day when 20Mb of ram in use was possibly too much. haha
I think the cool thing is that, more and more and especially on this 090512 build, I can wake up in the morning and use the device for hours, no problem. With almost any ROM I used to find myself having to soft reset in the morn' cause the device had slowed down throughout the night (doing whatever it does while I'm asleep: prank phonecalling my ex's... messing with my cats with the flashLED? I don't know). Probably just checking my mail but I seemed like it was doing way more.
That's my 2ยข