Originally Posted by djlenoir
I read through every post in the thread and found that others had similar problems but there were some people claiming it works great while others say they can't get it working. Of course, the people who chime in and say that it works perfect with no details are not helping make sense of what is working and what is not. All I can say with certainty is that I have not been able to get it to work with WM 6.5 and I am looking for confirmation that no one does before taking the steps to flash back to WM 6.1.
If you want it to play "at all" 6.1 might be the only way but since it doesn't truly work "completely" I'd say stick with Mighty5 and wait and see what happens when we get a fully supported Pandora version for the TP at all. *I can't get it to connect at all in WM6.5 either.
6.1 will not fix this, it will not make it play 100% and it drives me bonkers when someone claims it works "perfectly" and doesn't offer any clues to "what" they got it working on or with. I doubt it really works but at minimum, a link to the exact cab and a little info would be nice.