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Old 05-14-2009, 12:57 AM
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Re: [ROM] [May 12] <!--PsykiROM v3--!> Fast Rhodium Manila [21046 WM6.1] [UC]

Originally Posted by makelite View Post
First, I am utterly impressed with this exciting world of Rom flashing- I have had a Touch Pro for a few months now and didn't even know that this "world" existed. I have enjoyed the the process of getting this Rom working- I chose to go with you Psyki because of the support and overall positive impressions on the message boards. I have had one full day with my Psyki Rom V3 locked and loaded and have noted a few things that I hope some experienced One's could help me with in my journey out of NOob-hood. I would like to thank Psyki- and although i don't have a clue on how all of this stuff is done- it is obvious that you are dedicated and commited to your work and you definitely deserve some props. Ok with that said- here is what I am missing from my Stock Sprint Touch Pro:

1) I can't highlight with my stylus for easy copy and paste and/or chunk erasing in either text messages or in Microsoft word. Strangely, Mobipocket- which is the program I use to read .txt files as ebooks- highlights with great precision. I am hoping this is something that can be addressed

2) With a Stock Touch Pro, in programs such as word and Adobe Reader i was able to rotate my finger around the TP center circle button to enlarge or shrink text on the fly. I really liked this feature- although with this Rom I have only been able to change font size by going into the system settings and doing it manually

3) I miss the scrollable Alphabet on the Right side in Contacts when using the Stock TP. It seems that this is still available when i select ALL people from the TouchFlo interface but when I choose Contacts from Programs their is a normal drag interface to navigate my contacts. The TouchFlo interface is much larger and I prefer to have the Scrollable alphabet with the windows mobile interface

4) A strange glitch occurs within text messaging. Sometimes when i have a text message open and then flip out my keyboard- instead of going into to Horizontal mode it stays in portrait- I have found a way around this- for example- if my Text Messaging inbox is open and then i slide my keyboard out- it goes into horizontal mode and will stay that way once i open up a single text message- but it is kind of annoying when my keyboard is out but my text messaging window is still in Portrait mode-

5) If my phone is in my pocket the screen rotates upside down- it takes a few seconds to revert to normal when i get it out and face it upright- I dont think i ever would need my screen to rotate to upside down- I played a bit with the advanced settings(screen) but didn't quite know how to solve this one. is there a way I could disable the screen from flipping upside down? Perhaps this also has something to do with my problem in number #4 those are sum initial things that caught my attention after a day of use. But make no mistake- my touch pro is running smoother than it ever has and i know it is thanks to this Rom. I wont ever go back to having Sprint logos running through the veins of my phone- Thanks again- Hope i can be of help to others as I get to know this Game a bit more
Thanks for the kind words! Most of your issues can be addressed but some are ongoing issues I am continuing to track down. So here we go.

1) This is a known issue Several of the major ROMs have this issue and none of the chefs I've talked to have a definite fix. This is a high priority issue for me.

2) Another minor issue I'm aware of but have no leads so far... The gscroll works in some apps like Opera and other browsers, it just doesn't want to work in messaging any more. Now that I think about it I'm pretty sure I read about a fix for it, I'll get back to that.

3) I think I read about how to get that back but I forget... Maybe search around on ppcgeeks.

4) That's really weird, I think 3 people or so using my roms have that issue... I don't know what is causing it or how to fix it, it has NEVER happened to me :/

5) This one's easy Go to the settings tab, scroll down to g-sensor and turn off "Auto Screen Rotation".

So you pretty much hit the only really notable issues in this ROM, if you happen to come across fixes for any of them please share in this thread!

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