Originally Posted by jjs85
Thank you for the quick response. I did uncheck the box and have tried different usb cables.
The link you posted for using the SD card is for sprint and i have verizon. On that page, he says to get an "nbh outta the verizon unlocker." I am not sure how to extract the nbh file from the RUU uploaded on page 1 of this thread. Any ideas? Can I use the NBH on cornelious2's thread or is that for sprint only?
Correct, the one on cornelious2's thread is just for sprint, alltel, telus, bell, USCC. Use the verizon unlocker in this thread. To extract the nbh from the verizon unlocker, download and save and extract to desktop, open the exe file and the ruu will run and you will see the exe file self extract on your desktop and then you'll see the nbh file. Just copy and paste it to a different location and then you can hit cancel on the ruu. Now you have the nbh file. Just rename it and put on FAT32 formated memory card. Then put the vzw SSPL manual on your phone memory and open it with file explorer program on your phone.