Originally Posted by Mikedav
I am using the generic and just added dcd's cab and mms. I thought maybe it was the pool changer prog that was doing it to the VZ version. But, I changed the generic to 20 mb page pool and it flashed fine. Might be the size of the ruu. Just a thought.
On the the other hand, the rom runs really nice. Speed is good. i especially noticed when using file commander, it reads directories really quick. the dialer is great. Kudos to jhume for that.
I dont know why its happening,but heres a solution:
When flashing my verizon ROM the progress goes to 100% and then it goes back to rainbow screen,right?
If yes,then right after that you need to open unlocker 2.31 folder and run
ROMupdateUtility.exe from that folder to reload coke2.31
This process (from0% to 100%)will take 2-3 seconds and my verizon ROM will be fully functional,you'll see verizon stock animation and arcsoftMMS.5 is there.