This is for verizon i910 users only!!!
First off this rom is based off Adrynalyne's 1.3 bug fix edition rom! I want to personal thank him for all his help with out him this rom wouldn't be possible!
this rom is pretty stripped down it allows tons of memory for you guys to play with!!!
Things removed from Adryn's 1.3 rom
Advance config
HTC Task Manager
Rotation Service
Diamond qvga.tsk
MS official facebook
Pointui 2 home
For those of you that dont know what Pointui is check it here!!
How to Flash (stolen from Adrynalyne who stole blazingwolf

Use UMDL and click on the PDA button. Browse to the location where you placed the bin file and click on open. The file will load. Once it is loaded click on Detect. Now turn your device off by holding the power button until you see the shutdown gif. Once your device is shutdown plug it in to your pc. No turn your device back on by pressing and holding the power button. UMDL should detect your device and start loading the new ROM on to your device.
note: to enable Pointui 2 Home after flash go to today items disable all settings except for Pointui home 2. then go to system settings and click on the Pointui icon let it load and you are good to go!! you will only have to do this after you flash! it will load on start up from now on!
memory specs after a a clean flash!
Storage Total: 146.93
Free: 131.89
Program Total: 97.11
Free 57.98
I am Already working on a M2D Version, MS3 Version. and and update to version 0.1
Disclaimer: I am not responsible if you brick your phone i have flashed it to mine without fail!
this is the free version of Pointui if you guys like it i would suggest you "upgrade"

to the Pro version!
Last but not least again,
Thank you Adrynlyne!!!
Here you guys go!!! Enjoy and give feed back!!!