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Old 05-13-2009, 02:28 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.08.09] [[MightyROM5]] Windows® Phone

Originally Posted by TheLovatScout View Post
Is there any patches or words of advice on the Call Lost or Signal Faded after a SECOND of talking?

It's really really bad, I can't make or take ANY calls from my associates and partners and I don't want to have to flash back, but why is it doing this? I'm on my Sprint Touch Pro, I used to have Mighty 4.16, and I flashed straight to MightyRom5 and everything is great except for the CALL LOST.

I know some people don't have this issue, but there are still a few (I've counted three so far) that have this issue with no resolution.

Any help Mike would be great.
Well, I just called my house phone and it seems to work fine without the Call being Lost, yet everytime I call my grilfriends phone the Call becomes Lost, and I can't keep calling her and testing it on her to see if it will be lost again since it is 1:00am she's already pretty mad. Anyways, if anything comes up I'll share the info. Please help if anyones got an answer!
Evo 4G