Re: 5-11-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-4 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21222]
Also i forgot to mention i had trouble ending calls with the hard end button. I would hit the button , close the phone app, then still hear the people talking then i was not able to get back to where i could end the call and had to reset.
I also had to reset once today because the phone app started flashing and to top contact in the call history was switching between the different numbers and sms option for that contact and the phone was hung.
On a non *****ing note over all i like the new 6.5 default homescreen better than tf3d. The black dialer is less feminine than the white one (its bad enough the sprint phone is purple on the back)+. And other than the phone lock ups it ran pretty smooth all day. I have had no luck with 6.5 roms but this one working well.
REQUEST: change comm manager to black to match the rest of the theme. its also brutal on the eyes while driving at night.