Re: Open Enrollment: Total Equipment Protection (TEP)
My brother-in-law took over my Sprint line and bought my Vogue from me. The line is still in my name and he just pays me. I didn't have TEP because I'm usually pretty careful with my phones, but he has a REALLY big problem when it comes to water and electronics lol.
So since I didn't have it on the account when I bought the phone they wouldn't add it for me. We added it in the beginning of the month when I noticed the open enrollment thing.
He dropped one phone in the pool, washed one, dropped one in the toilet (clean water lol), and one in sweet tea.
for tornadog: I'm not sure if you have a way a month before you can make a claim or what the waiting time is. Have you tried to file your claim online instead of calling them? Anyone know how long you have to wait before you can do a claim?