OK after a long and hard deliberation ive decided to release a bit of a teaser to my ROM. The few who have tested so far have reported it is VERY fast and so far no real issues have been encountered. While not a loaded ROM it is by no means clean either. Release should be within the next day or so.
*****UPDATE*****Ok newer update. VIP3R ROM is changing a bit. This will be a collaboration between myself and Tempermentalman(Fallen ROM). He has been a HUGE help and we decided to join forces and work on this together.
Tempermentalman - My partner in crime
MightyMike - A inspiration to all of us
Silence12782 - Definitly knows his ROMS
Psyki - Helped me in solving a few of my bigger issues
Lil'Rico - Amazing themes and helping teach me ALOT i didnt know yet
GrandMasterB - Provider of amazing sig banners
**EDIT** ok I was unaware MusicID was considered WAREZ. however after being educated on this little fact it will not be in the ROM release. I apologize again. Thx to the mods for reopening this thread.
Build 21043
*Google Maps
*PIM Backup
*Sprite Backup
*Custom taskbar icons
*BT on/off
**This list is not complete just a teaser***