If you are impressed with Live Search then you probably don't need to spend money on TomTom. Though if you are interested in a more GPS oriented app then here's what I have to say since I found TomTom's website hard to navigate and find what I'm looking for.
I'm almost certain that your Holux GPS unit will work with TomTom. Here are some perks you'll get if you buy to TomTom:
1. Automatically turns bluetooth on when you start TomTom and off when you quit
2. Easier Navigation options like POI warning, advanced planning (fastest route, shortest route, walking routes, bicycle routes, limited speed routes), itinerary planning (multiple destinations)
3. An overall better interface and feel and one handed use, large finger friendly keyboard
4. Weather of gps positions, home location, or destination(s)
5. Voice feature (Turn right after.....), but not Text to Speech!
6. Add/modify POI's and Favorite Locations options
That's about it. The difference now is you'll need at least a 1 gig storage card to store maps. If you do plan on buying a GPS program I would also look into iGo/Miomap or wait until December, which is when I heard TomTom will release version 7 of their software.