Re: [ROM][05.06.09] dB_ROM WM 6.5 21501,21502,21222 ROM/Kitchen TouchPro [Multi-ROMs]
Originally Posted by decibel
Any file an autorun file calls has to be there. So if I called CFG: \windows\mortscript_config.txt it would have to exist. So it would still require overwriting (in other words I would have to have that file blanked out in the carrier package and included in the carrier_config.txt then in mortscript have the file overwrite the one from carrier with the EXEC call then, it would have to go ahead and send itself back... blah.. too touchy. My way is best. Go with it.
Yeah that's what I thought; a file HAS to be there with that name. I just added my own mortscript cab that doesn't require a HIDE to the carrier_config.txt
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