Originally Posted by the evil i
i have a defective touch pro. the keyboard is completely disfunctional. it will light up when i slide it out but a single button will not work
i have insurance, do you thinkkk that if i go to the sprint store and ask for a blackberry curve instead of a new touch pro they will give it to me?
I still find it funny when High School kids need blackberry's and fancy phones. I didn't get a cell phone till I went to college, and even then it was a crappy Samsung flip. This was also before SMS, Camera Phones, and Color Screens.
But, the worst thing you could do is ask...and if they say, "no," you're stuck with a better phone. So really, you can't lose.
Also, if you used a program like SPB Backup, you could back up the entire phone and all programs, and then restore it onto your replacement phone. Just make sure you've given the replacement enough time for your web access to kick back in (assuming you have it) or you will have to hard reset your phone.