Hears a Changelog of what i have done so far, im planning on a release in the morning if everything goes well. This is the Windows Mobile 6.1 version only, still have alot to do on 6.5
May 11, 2009Merdin's WMPro 4.4- Added back Merdins custom Rhodium Manila.
- Added back touchflo
- Removed spb cab(install separately)
- Updated shortcuts
- Updated Phone canvas
- Updated Dialer
- Fixed internet Glich on older htc Pro models
- Complelty removed Archsoft(install cab separately.)
- Fixed Keyboard issues
- added in Finger Keyboard 2
- Updated registry tweaks.
- Reverted back to previous Merdin 21042 Build
- Reverted back to Previous Merdin 21042 xip
- Updated taskbar with latest Tsowen project
- added Microsoft Myphone
- Rea ranged programs includind Tools, MyApps, Games, Multimedia
- added Second Today
- New Bootsplash
- added back CleanRam included on boot
- Previous WMPro bootscreen added
- added touch in call screen tweak
- added voice speed dial
- added smartlock