lilrico theme(s) for non-Mighty (stock) ROM?
Thus far, MightyROM 4/R3BORN has come the closest of all the ROMs I've tried (about 8 with reasonable testing) to meeting my needs. However, ultimately there are just too many little issues for a tool that I use all day at work. Examples include popup menu weirdness and a few other things. Before anyone asks: yes, I do need to stick with a 6.1 ROM because the main reason I even have a smartphone is to use ePocrates, which will not sync under 6.5. The small issues with TF3D HD bother me too much to use it. In my opinion, MightyROM 4/R3BORN is definitely the best/most stable/fastest/best on battery 6.1 non-Rhodium ROM out there. It's just not quite as usable overall for me as the stock ROM, and usability is what it's all about.
The hardest thing about going back to stock is that I've become totally enamored of the lilrico theme featured in that ROM. I find it both businesslike and elegant. I guess I'm just a boring guy, since up until now I've always preferred the stock Sprint theme. The Mighty/lilrico theme blows that one out of the water as far as I'm concerned. AFAICT, it's based on the stock HTC (not Sprint) theme but with a number of little changes that just make it tastier.
I've tried searching, but I can't find anything that suggests that there's a lilrico theme for other ROMs. I've thought about downloading one of the themes despite MightyMike's warning that they might only be compatible with his ROMs, but the one I really like best is the green and I can't even find that one to download.
Can anyone provide links either to lilrico themes for stock non-Rhodium ROMs or something that would come close? Or even to the default HTC theme?