Originally Posted by rhg84
Tried it again and Never could get it to work. I let it stand around for 30 mins or so and still didnt leave the HTC pro screen. I then tried soft reseting and left it for another 15 mins or so and nothing ever happened. I just left the default selections since I am on sprint. Flashed it multiple times and nada. Currently running a build I made using kitchen. Windows 6.5 seems to be running ok for the most part but some sluggishness
Do you happen to be adding in a provxml file named something along the lines of mxipupdate_oemoperators_104.provxml when you customized your kitchen? If you are, try naming it mxip_zzzmyProv_999.xml. You don't want it interfering with the Sprint stuff that gets changed when there is an update to the package that contains them.... look at this link...