Comparison between the Omnia and HD!
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05-09-2009, 06:08 PM
PPCGeeks Regular
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Comparison between the Omnia and HD!
Ok, everyone I am back and posting this here for some opinions, but more so comparison between the Omnia and Blackstone touch HD. I currently have the Blackstone, which I imported into the U.S. and am currently running it on T-Mobile. Due to my current situation, I am thinking about putting my HD on craigs list to sell. Due to the fact that I love phones lol, I have had my eye on the Omnia, the new LG ARENA and the G2 coming to the states soon. I am here in this forum to ask, what are the major differences between the Omnia and the HD? Please, I have done the SEARCH on google and yahoo for comparison, so that answer won't work lol. Much thanks for your opinions. I will post this in the HD section to.
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