Originally Posted by YouMayLose
quick question... when playing umm Hero...if I get a message..text/email any kind I exit hero it doesnt show I have a new message other than on the top curtain..like the little "1" on the message envolope isnt there.. is that a spb mobile shell thing? I think it also does this when the phone is locked as in slide to unlock.. I do appologize as I'm sure some 1 has pointed this out by now but with not having internet at home only able to log in to the site from my slow *** metro pcs net or while at my girlfriends house I cant read the 50 pages like I use to can before I got laid off lol
yeah man thats a problem with mobile shell i think the new version fixes it! but no one will share or make me an oem
Originally Posted by Sporkman
no frostwire and limewire suck to the highest lvl of SUCKAGE !
ill stick to my torrents ( private that is )
oh yeah! demonoid FTW (for legal downloads that is)
Originally Posted by GrandMasterB
LOL , ok you win. I had to pay for my Limewire so as such I must use it. Oh well
SO my vertically impaired cyclist friend , what is the iggy on 3.5 , making any progress?? Or perhaps you have something else in the works???
haha well you should just get rid of it, even if you did payy man.
oh i just might have something else in mind..