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Old 05-09-2009, 11:20 AM
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Re: Just had my vogue stolen, but it was a ESN copy from my 6700

Originally Posted by buddhatikkigod View Post
Really? im pretty sure here is where i originally got instructions on copying my ESN. I wont post instructions on how to.. but is it really illegal to erase or change a serial number on a unit and just possess it?

Just like if i had a laptop with a bad motherboard. The motherboard is where the entire laptops serial number is stored. So wouldnt it be illegal to buy a replacement motherboard on ebay taken from a parted unit and put it in my laptop? Not even trying to call up Dell and it serviced but just possessing it? I would only think its illegal if you try to get the unit serviced as if its a new unit.

Same with a pocket pc phone.Say i have a bad board on my phone but a good touch screen a model X330 phone. I buy an X330 on ebay with a broken touch screen and swap the parts. Would it be illegal to have my new phone that has a case that says a different serial number then what the motherboard says?
Seems like a grey area at most. Ive seen phones on EBAY that are listed as BAD ESN phones. Sometimes a seller posts the ESN number with the phone and some theif copies the good ESN and puts it on a stolen phone. thats illegal for sure. But then the seller has a phone he cant sell normally so he re-lists and puts that it has a BAD ESN. Then someone like me buys it and copies the ESN from my old phone onto that one to get it working on my network. That seems wrong and i know my carrier would be upset and cancel me, but if i never do anything with it or try to take advantage of it is it actually illegal?

Is that now a policy because its written that this illegal or is PPCgeeks just playing it safe?

Also im sorry if it seems like im complaining trying to stir trouble, im really just curious. As this site is a great resource for our pocket pc phones and im just wondering why this great tool of modifying our ESN to get newer phones working isn't allowed. Seems almost as bad as PPC Kitchen which lets us put a newer copy of Windows Mobile on our phones, sometimes new phones main feature is updated software that we get for free here.
Here is my 2cents. I work in the IT Industry, and know a good deal about DMI'ing and such. Essentially, this is what you are referring to. When you purchase a new MB from a MFG, you are then authorized to use a DMI Utility to "write" information to your MB using this utility. It is in this case that you are authorized to do so. This is probably the same with ESN, as only Carriers and MFG are authorized to alter/utilize and change any of the said information. So, I would say that ESN is not that grey as you may think, since even people who work at the registers at your local Sprint Store may or may not even be authorized themselves.
Take what I say above with as much salt as needed.
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