Originally Posted by NitrousGT
are the startup animations a cab file? The ringtines on SimpleROM all work when you select them, but for some reason sometimes when i get an email the sound that i chose doesnt play, nothing happens. then when i randomly look at the phone, i notice that i got an email. or a text. after i reset the phone, it works again, then stops again. I have flashed back to stock and cleared memory twice still no go.
Just take any gif image you want (480x640), and name it HTCAnimationStartup.gif, then drop it into the windows folder. You don't need a cab for that.
As far as the ringtone issue, to clarify it's not actually a ringtone right?? It's an alert from the sound of it. Without knowing which alert it is, there's no way for me to troubleshoot it. I know the default alert works, because my phone beeps every time I get an email.