+1 Awesome ROM Mike.
Recap of new ROM issues and observations - Props to all who posted
Mike has changed his deployment methodology and is now shipping a self extracting executable. If you want to manually update then use Winzip/WinRAR/etc to extract the contents to a temporary folder and proceed normally.
Remember to hard reset after updating the ROM:
Clear Storage from Settings->System
Simultaneously press power/volume down/d-pad center/reset button
Change Page Pool:
Use winzip/winrar/etc to extract the contents of the ROM distribution self extracting executable to a temporary folder and proceed normally using the page pool changer.
Revert to stock dialer re-skin/disable S2A:
Use Advanced Config to disable the dialer skin
Change HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/Security/Phone/Skin/Enable from 1 to 0 and soft reset
Camera preview not working:
Take a picture while preview is black and soft reset - temporary fix until next release
Keyboard Lagging:
Try changing these registry keys
And turn off your keyboard auto complete settings
Quick GPS not working:
Soft reset and re-open
Photo album upgraded from 2.5 to 3.0:
Pictures won't rotate according to orientation and when zooming in or out it overlaps and changes orientation momentarily
Mike is polling to decide to downgrade back to 2.5 - post your preference if you care
Media Player stops playing when device is manually suspended:
Known issue - no fix yet - the following registry changes don't work:
Applications Intentionally Left Out to reduce ROM Size:
MSN Apps
Applications accidentally left out and will be added back in next release:
Voice Recorder
Titanium weather plugin and CHome editor:
Customize titanium (WM6.5 interface) to add contacts and weather: