Originally Posted by DrSuSE
Yes they both do.  I just verified on my phone. For example, in Resco, just hold your thumb on the element in question and one of the options is to delete.
OH yeahhh, I see that now. Thanks.
I'm try to add a 4th row or icons to the programs as per the first post here. I only have Horizontal and vertical icon spacing, no icon title font size. How to that to the registry? Is it a string, a key, a value or what?
How do you get 4-row icons?-[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Shell\IconCo nfig]-"HorizontalIconSpacing"=dword:00000069-"IconTitleFontSize"=dword:00000006-"VerticalIconSpacing"=dword:00000073