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Old 05-08-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: [ May 4 \ 21043(6.1) & 21502(6.5) v4.7 RC ] Calkulin's Kitchen v1.6 & ROMs

Originally Posted by mjhuffer View Post
Yes please go ahead and post it and explain what the provision.xml file is...

Okay - here is the basic explanation. When you create a ROM, most of the kitchen's now allow for User Customization to run. There is a file you need to put on the root directory of your internal storage that has to be called "SDConfig.txt" This file tells the customization script what to run. I have mine set to only run my DiamondProvision.xml scrip. But you can also tell it to run cab files etc and install other programs upon customization. Here is what my SDConfig.txt looks like. It's a very simple txt file:

XML: \Internal Storage\CAB Files\DiamondProvision.xml
LOCK: Disabled
RST: Reset

As you can see, it points to my Internal Storage, a folder named CAB Files, and then to teh DiamondProvision.xml file, which is a simple script. So use the attached DiamondProvision.xml file and copy it to the folder on the internal storage that you refernce in your SDConfig.txt.

I'm attaching a copy of my DiamondProvision.xml script for email. I use Exchange Sync for work which is the first account setup, and IMAP4 for personal, which is hte second. but you can set it up for POP3 also. I have written over in Capital Letters the items that you need to update for your own account. If you don't use exchange just delete that section of the script - up until it says <characteristic type="EMAIL2">. I've had to unpload it as a .txt file, so just download it, and change it from .txt to .xml. it can be opened and edited in Notepad as an xml.

This .xml file can also be used to include any registry edits that you want to personalize your ROM with. but that's a slightly more detialed lesson as you have to use and RGU converter to get the registry setting formatted correctly. I hope this helps. i'm not a programmer, and have learned what i know by searching around, so i'll answer with any help i can, but i may not be able to answer everything.

Good luck.
Attached Files
File Type: txt DiamondProvision.txt (2.1 KB, 29 views) Click for barcode!
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