Originally Posted by phistyle
hey decibel, can you please tell me how to edit the "device information" under the settings option so that I can change the rom version?
Ok.. here:
ROM Version is in <OEM\Herman\COMMON\OEMVERSION\mxipupdate_OEMVERSIO N_100.provxml>
About Screen Build is in <EXT\Herman\COMMON\1Tweaks\1Herman\mxipupdate_Regi stry_Tweaks_1.provxml>
However, you can edit both of these in the registry:
ROM Version:
About Screen:
"Aku"=" dB"
If you make the changes just to the registry, it will reset back to my settings on flash or hard reset. If you make them to the provxml's in the kitchen and build your own ROMs, then it will stay as you set them in provxmls. If you use my pre-built roms, just add it to your UC provisional xml or to your settings cab.