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Old 05-08-2009, 02:35 PM
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Re: Need help, possibly bricked...

Yeah, I have the 3.42.XX radio on it right now and i know thats what the problem is so I figure if I can unlock to 2.31 then it should be able to properly flash a ROM but I cannot seem to be able to unlock it to 2.31.

I have a 2 gig SD card that im using and I put the VOGUIMG.nbh file onto and it acts like it starts to read it by saying loading and then it flashes the "No image file!" and then returns to bootloader.

Does my SD card have to just have that file on it? i.e. erase all my other content on the card?

Also the card is formatted to fat32 and how do I go about downgrading the radio version because that might also help me out...

Last edited by LAYDO; 05-08-2009 at 02:38 PM.