Originally Posted by Tibman
I tried mighty's wm rom for the first time two weeks ago and I was hooked. Compared to touchflow, wm6.5 changes that name to touchblow. Unfortunately though I have to reset my phone 10 times a day and it has locked up overnight twice, leaving me with an uncharged battery for the day. Any time I try to show someone how much better my phone is than the Iphone or just need to use it for something critical, it freezes up, maybe its stage fright.
I really hope this 6.5 rom is stable; I have been impressed with JD's work in the past and Im getting ready to flash now.
hey dont let mighty rom make you hate 6.5, i have used mighty and error after error, his rom is not really stable JD i never used but i made my own with his kitchen added a few things and its kicking *** JD is awesome, but what you need to do is learn how to make your own rom cuz usally those are the best for you fit just right for your needs.