Thread: Font question
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Old 05-08-2009, 12:32 PM
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Font question

Ok, I have asked this before and never quite got a clear answer.

A few Bible related programs I use, require a Greek font (koine Greek to be precise). So one of them (PocketScholar I think) installs the TekniaGreek font to the fonts folder - and everything is all good. Everything works fine and all the other programs still work and look right - no big deal, exactly as you would expect.... not quite.

Google Maps, and now the new FaceBook app I just installed, insist on using the TekniaGreek font. I never told em to, they never asked - they just do. Now, oddly enough, the words are still in English, just spelled out in the Greek font - kind of phonetically, so I can read em (sorta) but it is a pain!

Anyone have any idea why this happens to only certain programs - and more importantly, is there anything I can do to make it not happen (aside from removing that font until I need to use it - not a very practical solution, more of a last resort deal)?

Take care,