Originally Posted by temperbad
well, the album/camera is a deal breaker for me, i need the old album back and it was much better, i know this is a mighty rom thread but im gonna try this rom your talking about when i get home from work..... oooooooh boy, if mighty just kept the album the same, id stay with this rom, its a learning lesson for me, if i ever see the album 3 in a rom, im running.....
This is the same for me.. Love MightyRoms but album 3 is pretty bad.. last night i was messing with it but couldnt get into it.. =[.. The worst part is being cooked into the rom you can not downgrade to album 2.5.. Hopefully when Mike fixes the camera he will put 2.5 back on there with a cab to 3.. Since you CAN go from 2.5 to 3 without any problems.. Might be forced to use the 4/25 release.. =[