Originally Posted by marcusrab
The mp3 is in the same directory that the other rings are.. however when I try to set it through the the 'set ringtone' function.. when Im checking out my contacts.. it doesnt list the mp3 as an option.. however, if I go into the edit contact area, like you would without the graphical menu.. i can select the ringtone.
Kind of at a loss, not a huge concern cause I figured out how to set it, but still would be nice.
Thanks for the response.
I fixed my own issue..
If anyone else has problems getting the mobile shell to recognize MP3 files so that you can set them for ringtones.. you have to give the name something short.. like I had to take Brad Paisley - Waiting on a woman and shrink it down to "Brad Paisley-woman" and then put it in the root directory of your storage card.
It was said that this might work as well if you put it in the root directory of your device. I think the naming is the key here.